Custom molded orthotics will relieve pain in your feet, back, knees, legs and heels, and improve comfort and performance
The FootLab orthotics delivers these benefits:
- No prescription necessary
- 100% satisfaction guarantee
- Fast – one hour service from start to finish
Only $399 for a full custom adult orthotic. $199 for kids full custom orthotic.
Benefits of proper foot support with custom orthotics
Keep your legs, knees, pelvis, back and body properly aligned. Absorb the pounding of day-to-day walking, standing, working, carrying heavy loads, and sports stress. Relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis, ball of foot pain (metatarsalgia), shin splints, achilles tendonitis and other foot problems. Provide support for fallen arches and control pronation (where your ankle rolls too far inward).
The problem with standard insoles
To sell more shoes, manufacturers design them with standard insoles to accommodate as many people as possible. These insoles don’t provide the support your feet need to function correctly and keep your body in proper alignment. Custom orthotics fix this problem, they’re made specifically to correct your alignment issues.
People with painful feet, knees, hips or back will benefit from good foot support
Whether you’re an athlete, construction or trades professional, on your feet worker, a recreational walker/runner, or suffer pain from foot problems, good foot support will ease the stresses on your feet and on your body.
Our unique, full custom orthotic process
We deliver attractive pricing and the highest quality – quickly and efficiently. Your appointment is with a certified pedorthist who makes your custom orthotics in one hour if you choose.
Schedule your FREE foot evaluation
You’ll learn and see how your feet, knees, hips and back will benefit from custom molded shoe inserts. Use our online scheduler, or call 651-429-3333 to ask questions or schedule your appointment.